Vol. 1. No. 2 August 1994
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From The Editor

We made it to issue 2!

But, even with only one issue out before this, we have over a thousand subscribers in 45 countries. We are read by many more via gopher.

With this issue, we truly start to take advantage of the electronic medium. You will find information on CD-ROM, talking files, as well as a Forum Discussion that took place via IRC (a sort of simultaneous e-mail). We will continue to look for the unique capabilities of the electronic frontier, doing those things that paper journals cannot do.

We continue to grow and evolve. Our gopher site is now at The City University of New York (UCC.CUNY.EDU), thanks to the assistance of Chip Harman at USIA and Anthea Tillyer and the other helpful folks at TESL-L. We hope this improves gopher access. We are working on access for WEB, WAIS, and so on, as well. So, look for these additions to our electronic family (and if you don't know what Im talking about, don't worry, you'll always be able to retrieve files from the LISTSERV at Berkeley).

One addition to our archived files is an APA (American Psychological Association) Style Guide, which includes citation format for electronic media, including e-mail messages. This was created by Ron Corio, Asst. Editor, and me. It's received a lot of attention and has been recently revised as well. If you haven't got version 1.2, order a new copy. Instructions are found in the Call for Manuscripts part of this file.

Other innovations are in the air. Look for upcoming guest-edited issues on CALL, edited by Macey Taylor, and CALT (Critical Approaches in Language Teaching), edited by Andrew Littlejohn.

Again, we appreciate your support. Getting a new venture like this one off the ground is rewarding, but sometimes difficult and frustrating. We appreciate your patience as we struggle through our growing pains. We want your reactions!

Best wishes,

Maggi Sokolik, Editor

UC Berkeley

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